Theatre, dance, circus, and all styles of music for everyone! Not just a theatre, it is also a place to spend time and discover new things. Enjoy time with friends at Château Rouge's café, before or after show.
Age minimum : 2 ans
- Number of meeting rooms: 1
Languages spoken
- French
- Coach access
- Coach parking
- Parking nearby
- Car park
- Bar
- Toilets
- Mental disability
- Accessible for wheelchairs with assistance
- Accessible for self-propelled wheelchairs
- Reserved space 330 cm wide < 100 m from the site
- Minimum aisle width of 90 cm
- Doors >=77 cm wide
- Lift (80 x 130 cm) and door >= 77 cm
- Possibility of drop-off in front of the site
- Magnetic loop available at the reception
- Presence of sitting or standing areas
Services provided
- Documentation languages: French
- Group visits can be organised on request to find out about live performance or what happens behind the scenes.
Swiss francs accepted.
Means of payment
- Bank/credit card
- Check
- Travellers Cheque
- Currency
- Cash
- Credit transfer
- Culture voucher
- Pass’Région
From 01/01 to 31/12.
Closed exceptionally on January 1st, May 1st, May 8th, July 14th, August 15th, November 1st, November 11th and December 25th.
Depends on the programme. Closed during the Christmas holidays.
Complementary services
Our good plans
The Château Rouge café welcomes you on show evenings an hour before the performance starts.