These stones were laid according to Roman techniques and the path was first used in the Middle Ages by the monks from the Chartreuse de Mélan to access Praz de Lys pastures 1,000m further up. For a long time, this was the only access to Praz de Lys.
Adapt your equipment to your level and the weather. Stay on the marked trails.
- Pets welcome
- Car park
- Public WC
- Distance: 11 km
- Duration: 4h50
- Type of land: Stone, Ground, Hard coating (tar, cement, flooring)
- Markup: Departmental signposting on beige metal panels with green lettering.
- Maximum altitude: 1527 m
- Elevation: 900 m
- Vertical drop: 900 m
- Positive elevation: 900 m
Services provided
- Group visit duration: 290 min
Free access.
From 15/05 to 15/11.
Subject to favorable snow and weather conditions.
Subject to favorable weather
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Complementary services
Guidebook with maps/step-by-step