Visiting the Haut-Giffre in the beautiful season, did you ever think you would witness such a rich and verdant nature?
In springtime, the white that blankets the mountains gradually gives way to beautiful, vibrant colors. Water is crucial at this time because it allows the vegetation to come back to life after sleeping under the snow for a few months. The luminous white of the plains and peaks of the Haut-Giffre turns into a bright and vivid green as this nature awakens with a surge of life. One by one, the flowers reappear, the buds appear on their stems, and the green grass spreads throughout the valley.
At the beginning of the season, the flowers are discreetly dotted along the paths of the Haut-Giffre with colorful notes. And little by little, they become abundant, dotting the plains with numerous hues, like a work of art.
This dense vegetation rhymes with awakening of the senses. Of course, you think of the rich array of colors that you will appreciate. But spring also expresses itself through the scents of these flowers, whose subtle fragrance you notice before you can even see them. It is also the sweet sound of pollinating insects that tickles your ears, also enjoying the return of vegetation to participate in the great cycle of life…
Nature lovers are invited to explore the Haut-Giffre in the spring to discover the charm of mountain flora and be surprised by its brilliance, its colors, its properties, and its crucial place in the mountain ecosystem.
Rich vegetation in the Haut-Giffre To accompany you on your discovery, here are some plants that you may see along the way:
The crocus starts the ball rolling in alpine meadows. This mauve or white flower with bright green leaves is one of the first to appear at the end of winter, along with the snowdrop that you can differentiate easily with its white bells.

The Alpine Pansy will follow closely in the subalpine meadows. You will recognize it by the position of its petals and its purple, yellow, and sometimes white color.

From May, it is the rhododendron that will make its appearance. Also called the Alpine Rose, this shrub embraces the contours of the mountains and colors them a bright pink.

Another emblematic plant of the region, the edelweiss usually grows in June. This protected species is of stunning beauty, and the arrangement of its fine petals and its creamy white color will not leave you indifferent.

Foodies will appreciate the wild garlic (not to be confused with lily of the valley, which is toxic!), this plant that runs through the Haut-Giffre and whose picking inspires many recipes that will make your mouth water…

Beware, wild garlic can be mistaken for lily of the valley, autumn crocus, and even arum…
Meet on the trails of Châtillon-sur-Cluses, la Rivière-Enverse, Verchaix, Morillon, and Sixt-Fer-à-Cheval to enjoy the surprises of spring.

Don’t hesitate to bring a book or an application to guide you in identifying the plants you encounter along the way. Go with a guide to learn more about the rich environment of the mountains of the Haut-Giffre.
Finally, visit one of the jewels of the natural heritage of the Haut-Giffre, the alpine garden of the Jaÿsinia. You are invited to discover the 2,400 varieties of plants in the botanical garden during a pleasant walk through the vegetation of the mountains of the world.
Some hiking areas that are forbidden and not recommended in winter may still be dangerous in the spring. Contact our Tourist Offices to find out which trails are accessible