Centre de vacances Le Choucas

rooms with 2, 3 or 4 single beds each with bathroom and toilet

Accommodation on site


  • Holiday centres
  • Chalet
  • Room
  • Old building


  • Numéro d'enregistrement: 4.08273.05


  • Total capacity: 80
  • Number of rooms 2 persons : 9
  • Number of rooms 3 persons : 1
  • Number of rooms 4 persons : 15
  • Number of rooms 5 persons : 1
  • 27 bedrooms
  • Maximum group size:80
  • Minimum group size: 10
  • Number of meeting rooms: 2


  • Bar
  • Restaurant on site
  • Restaurant in the close vicinity


  • Wi-fi

Languages spoken

  • English
  • French


  • Pets welcome
  • Coach access
  • Full-board
  • Shuttlebus
  • Permanent entertainments organiser
  • Equipment loan
  • Wi-fi
  • Half-board
  • Tourist brochures
  • Restaurant
  • Picnic hampers
  • Animation team on request
  • On-site animation team


  • Private parking
  • Restaurant
  • Games room
  • photocopier
  • Coach parking
  • Raclette set
  • Babyfoot
  • Ski boot drier
  • Car park
  • Cheese fondue set
  • Board games
  • Terrace
  • Bar
  • Defibrillator
  • Function/entertainment room
  • Play area
  • Lift
  • Pool
  • TV room
  • Entertainments room
  • Shelter for bikes/mountain bikes
  • Ski locker
  • First aid post
  • Equipment store closed
  • Seminar/meeting
  • Video projector
  • Paper board
  • Screen
  • Microphone
  • Wifi in room
  • Stage
  • Table
  • Chair


Means of payment

  • Bank/credit card
  • Cash
  • Travellers Cheque
  • Online payment
  • Credit transfer